>> Sunday, September 8, 2013
What is love?
love is a tendency that to like someone or
something that forced us to have it in very delicately way and as politely as we
can. If man fall in love with a woman
surely he will showed himself as good as he can to attract the woman’s heart
and fall in love with him. The same things will happen if a woman fell in love
with a man that looked very attractive to her.
mention many times about love. Love between a man and a woman. Love between a mother and her offspring.
Love parents to their descendants. Love man to man [homosexual]. Love man to
animals. Love man to wealth- castle, big house, cars, money, and so on. There
are many faces of love. Allah has made love and compassion between men and women. In fact we are encouraged to love each
Prophet Muhammad SAW has said, “When one of you has love his brother, he
should inform him that he loves him”.Bukhari.
of the very interesting story about love in the al-Qur'an is contains in Surah [Joseph XII], the story about the love between a beautiful and wealthy
woman, named Ra’il [Zulaikha] with a man named Joseph, a prophet Allah
Al-Mighty. Anyone who read that Surah
Joseph in the al-Quran will be touch by the story, that has many education to
educate their readers how to manage goodly their love and not to be govern by their
bad desire or nafs that was ridden by the satanic.
general there are two types of love. Good love or bad love. Good love is
natural love, but bad love is unnatural love. Good love will get reward from
Allah, and the bad love will receive reward of sins from Allah. Beware not to love others greatest than Allah. We should not love them more than we loved
Allah SWT. Allah is the Greatest. We have to give our priority to love Allah
than others.
we know that when we are in loved we will make preference to our loved ones
regardless what it was. Then we will do anything that will pleased our loved
ones or will be appreciate by them. Such of our actions may elevated others than
Allah SWT, or made them equal to Allah
SWT. The actions are fallible and abuse.
Allah SWT said in the al-Qur’an:
of mankind are some who take [for
worship] others besides Allah as rivals [to Allah]. They love them as they love
Allah. But those who believe, love Allah more [than anything else]. 2: 165.
love to Allah only can give tranquility to our hearts. Allah created the heart to
love He above the love to others. Allah SWT tells us in the al-Qur’an, Surah
9 [At-Taubah], verse 24:
[O Muhammad]: If you fathers, your sons, your brothers, your wives, your
kindred, the wealth that you have gained, the commerce in which you fear a
decline, and the dwellings in which you delight are dearer to you than Allah
and His Messenger SAW, and striving hard and fighting in His Cause, then wait
until Allah brings about His Decision [torment]. And Allah guides not the
people who are Al-Fasiqun [the rebellious, disobedient to Allah”.9-24.
clearly showed that the ultimate love for all the creatures are Allah. That is
the true love. That is the greatest love ever created. The love to Allah is the
most elevated love. The love to Allah is the most exalted love. That is the
most beautiful love. The hearts was created to love Allah. No other god than
Allah. We can’t live without it.
to love Allah. We have to love Allah profoundly. It is the fountains of love
in the hearts of the true believers. Every moments they strike to love Allah and
get his loved. It is the sincerely love of the Great Love and forever
loves. Who ever find the love will be
greatly happy in this world and Hereafter. They are the victorious.
faithful men who loved Allah will strike to full this world with goodness. They
will try to enrich this world with the great happiness. The man who loved his
boss will do everything to please his boss. He likes what his boss liked. In
order to make his boss happy, he treated them how his boss treated. So with
Allah,if he loved Allah, he will love all his creation, and be mercy for them,
and strike to give more great happiness to them and to all the world.
can we human being as a slave to Allah did not loved Him profoundly? How can we
refrain our hearts to love Allah who is the Most Merciful and the Most
Generous? Allah loved us by His Generosity but did not has any need of us. We are
always invited Allah angered by not loving Him and disobedience to Him and hatred other human
beings and did not love them.
the Prophet Muhammad SAW always urged all the Muslims to loved each other, and
be mercy and kindness between them.
has said in the al-Qur’an:
reward do I ask of you for this except
to be kind to me for my kinship with you. And whoever earns a good
righteous deed, We shall give him an
increase of good in respect therefore. Verily, Allah is Oft- Forgiving, Most
Ready to appreciate [the deeds of those who are obedient to Him].;42: 23.
Prophet Muhammad SAW said:
shalt witness the believers in truth as one person in their acts, mercy, love
and charity towards the other. If one organ [of the body] suffers from illness,
all the rest of the body will suffer from fever and keep awake for its sake”.Bukhari.
Muslims are brother. Carefulness [in his duties towards God] is the only
thing which makes one greater than the rest”. Tabrani.
look at one’s brother with affections better than living in this mosque in
“Ihtikaf more than a year”. Al-Hakim & Ibn Umar.
would help him Here and in the Hereafter, if one helps his brother without
being known”. Baihaki & Anas.
Allah has promised to His servants, that the
Paradise will be fill full with His faithful servants that He loved and pleased
with them. They are the faithful servants that loved Allah, fear and awed Him
during their live in this mortal world.The Paradise will be full with loves,
and friendships.
those who are seeking the love of Allah, and the closeness of Allah should be
very happy with this Hadis SAW:
Huraira [RA] reported that the Prophet Muhammad [Peace and blessings of Allah
be upon him] said that Allah [glorified and exalted and Glorious be He] the
Exalted and Glorious said, “ Ia am near to thought of My servants as he he
thinks about Me, and I am with him as he remembers Me. And if he remembers Me
in his heart, I also remember him in My Heart, and if he remembers Me in assembly
I remember him in assembly, better than his [remembrance], and if he draws near
Me by the span of a palm, I draw near him by the cubit, and if he draws near Me
by the cubit I draw near him by the space [covered by] two hands. And if he
walks towards Me, I rush towards him”. Sahih Muslim.
I like to end this
short and useless writing to quote a short writing ricocheted by a Sufi’s poet
that I think is worth to read and ponder:
Supposing your love
is the true love
Indeed you would be
obedient to Him
Indeed those who is
in love, could always
Be loyal and
obedient to his Lover.
This is the Greatest
of Love!
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